Advantages of paper bags can never be denied in a world constantly failing to achieve its sustainability goals. The world is currently undergoing a transformation where everyone is moving from plastics to paper bags. This miraculous object was invented in an attempt to erase plastic pollution from the planet. Seeing the advantages of paper bags, now it's obvious to think that plastic will soon disappear from the earth. But in case you are unaware of the advantages of paper bags. Let's enlist them one by one.
Paper is more recyclable than plastic because, unlike plastic, paper is recyclable in every make whereas plastic product need to be sorted (recyclable and non-recyclable) before going to a recycling firm. Also, the extraction of fiber pulp from used paper is comparatively easier than remolding polymer in the case of plastic.
What are the distinguishing criteria we use to sort material into earth-friendly or non-friendly? We usually go to check the following.
1. Carbon footprint during production: For a material to become eco-friendly, its carbon footprint should be low as is the case with paper. Hence companies looking for alternatives to reduce their carbon footprint often prefer paper bags over plastic.
2. Incineration options available and landfills: Although the fact that paper bags produce more solid waste as compared to plastic can not be denied it is also true that incineration of paper bags is more feasible.
3. Anaerobic digestion: Paper easily decomposes by the action of anaerobic microbes. Whereas plastic never undergoes anaerobic digestion.
4. Energy from Waste: The common ways to make energy out of waste are incineration, pyrolysis, biodegradation, and fuel generation. Paper is more fit for all of these procedures as plastic is hard to break and produces severe contaminants during incineration, hence before release the air needs to be treated properly at the incineration unit.
5. Gasification: As said, paper produces organic gas during combustion whereas plastic produces more of lethal gases.
6. Composting: Paper turns to compost easily on exposure to suitable microbes in the soil whereas plastics are made of inert chemical which is hard to break.
7. Reuse: Paper can be reused many times owing to its durability and is also preferred for reuse due to its elegant appearance.
Don't harm aquatic animals

Paper is eco-friendly due to its decomposable nature. Hence, the paper litter across the street is much more harmless as compared to plastic ones. Plastic waste, if not disposed of properly can make its way to water bodies. This accumulation over a period of time harms aquatic animals choking them to death. Hence, the strategy should be to prioritize paper over non-decomposable plastic.
Saves Energy
Paper bags saves energy as the reuse rate for paper bags is far greater than plastic so whatever energy is consumed during production flows in the ecosystem for a long time. Even after the life cycle of the bag is over it can be recycled and can later be decomposed to dissipate the energy.
Durability and Comfort
If good quality kraft paper is used as raw material, the manufactured paper bags are very durable. The quality of paper is examined through machines via consideration of several factors such as COBB value and bursting factor of kraft paper.
Brand Image
By using paper bags as packaging for your brand, you can impart the image of an environmentally aware and eco-friendly brand in your customers' minds. Even big brands like Dior and Louis Vuitton are switching to paper bags due to their sophisticated and luxurious appearance.
Brand Awareness
Paper bags with logo help in building recognition of your brand subconsciously. The more small tactics are used by businesses, the more they get noticed. And switching to paper bags is such a vital component for showing the environmental concern of your brand.
Marketing tool
Paper bags with printing are a great asset for every organization. It can be used as a marketing tool. So, every business should go for a properly printed paper bag with good color and font combination as it works for company advertisements later.
Highlight your brand
Wherever the paper bag goes, it carries the printed brand's information with itself highlighting the brand. Hence, the paper bag is a good investment for every brand to consider in the initial stages itself.

Paper packaging doesn't compromise sustainability. It is handy and comes in several shapes and sizes and is easy on the planet in every size. The best part about using a paper bag is its decomposable nature indeed.
Increase Sales
With free advertisement, paper bags help in skyrocketing your sales bringing in more leads. Sales and marketing is a completely different department than packaging but if you can reap the benefits of marketing in a good packaging alternative, then, why not?
Happy and Loyal customer
Once you establish your brand a certain way, people connect to your brand due to the brand attributes and not for tangible benefits. Although it is also one of the reasons! On the other hand, if your brand values are strong enough it'll attract more customers on its own. And the joining leads will not leave because there is no fakeness.
Paper bags are a better packaging alternative as compared to plastics because of their low carbon footprint during production, high reuse probability, easy recyclability, and eco-friendly nature. The advantages of paper bags over plastics can't be denied. Paper bags are easy on the planet as it is sustainable and does not harm aquatic animals. Paper bags with logo and printing can be used as a good tool for marketing. It creates an eco-conscious brand image hence the customers stay forever. In case, you are looking for paper bags with printing and logos services you can call +91-9310238710 or write us at sales@asecopack.com