Knowing the weight of a paper bag is essential to decide whether or not to pick a paper bag to carry our product. We spent a lot of time in designing and formulating products to deliver the best to our customers, so, the packaging should also be the best. No matter how delicious the food is, customers will not be happy if the paper bag tears midway while carrying the food.
So, we are going to see how is a paper bag's weight calculated and how can we choose the best bag for our business.
Calculating Weight of a Paper Bag
The weight of a paper is calculated as grams per square meter (weight per unit area). It is often abbreviated as GSM or called grammage.
Example- A paper weighing 110 gsm means that a sheet of 1 square meter weighs 110 grams.
For customization, it's very important for the paper to be printable. And printable paper ranges from 60 to 350 grams.
To calculate the weight of a bag, a simple formula is used-
Weight per unit area of paper*Area of paper used to make a bag
As we can see the weight of a paper bag is the product of per unit weight of paper and the amount of paper used in making a single bag. So, suppose if a paper of eight cm square of paper is used to make a bag whose per unit area weight is three gm/cm2. Then, the net weight of the paper bag is eight*three=twenty-four.
Paper Bag strength
The area of paper which goes into the making of a bag is determined by the size and amount of product to be delivered. And they should be true to the product. The customer shouldn't feel the bag is too small or big as compared to the product.
The actual indicator of the strength of the paper bag is the weight per unit area of the paper used.
The weight of a bag is an indicator of the strength of a paper bag. The more the weight per unit mass the more the endurance and hence the weight-carrying capacity. The paper weighing 100 grams can support the product of 12 kilos which is a measure of high endurance and capacity.
Paper Bags Customization
Different product requires papers of different weight. In these paper bags, customization can be done as per the demand. Coming to the weight part, paper weighing 35 grams is used most abundantly in the market. In case, one needs more durability, 50 grams ones are also available. The weight of the paper varies with the weight of the product and the need of the customer. One thing to consider is the weight should not compromise the durability hence it needs to be able to bear loading weight.
The bags used by bakery and pharmaceutical are generally made with 30grms paper.
Supermarkets and megastores generally use 50 to 100 grams bags.
To carry higher weight, special paper bags of more weight are manufactured.
So, while purchasing the paper bag, choose wisely as per your business needs.
How do you calculate the GSM of a paper bag?
GSM stands for grams per square meters, which is calculated by dividing the product of weight of paper in grams and 1000 to area in centi-meter square.
What is the formula for paper weight?
The weight of a single sheet is calculated by multiplying length, width, and GSM.